Témoignages pour des
conditions spécifiques
Note that below health testimonials are
reflections of personal experiences and are not meant to imply
that you will receive similar results. Statements in these testimonials
do not constitute medical claims.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
A 45-year-old woman CIG was diagnosed
in October 1997 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the most
common form of motor neuron disease, with an average life expectancy
of 3 4 years. When I got to know her in January 1998,
she suffered generalized muscle weakness and some wastage, poor
muscle control and muscle pain. No proven treatment is available.
This patient takes Vitamin E and a tablet for gout (Allopurinol).
One month after twice daily use of the electromagnetic field
therapy she reports: It works wonders, no more muscle fasciculation,
better muscle control and more strength and energy. After
three months: I feel 100% better, I feel the muscle stimulation
all over, I feel better on my feet, the aches in my wrists are
Shoulders and Neck Injury
A 53-year-old man G.M. sustained
work related injuries to both shoulders and neck in 1991 and
1993. His right shoulder was operated upon on four occasions
and his left shoulder on one occasion. His condition deteriorated
nevertheless. He left work in 1994 and became dependent on pain
killers and nerve tablets to somewhat control the pain from the
above injuries but also to control the ever increasing headaches
and other wide spread arthritic pains (spine, hips, knees). After
6 weeks treatment with the QRS he reported: getting 3-4 hours
more sleep a night, getting less common, less severe, and shorter
lasting headaches, losing his limp that resulted from his hip
and backache and having more energy through the day.
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Mrs L M came to this Clinic with
stage four metastatic basal cell carcinoma, with widespread secondaries
in her lungs. This lady is a marathon swimmer and has been swimming
up to 3kms a day. Her physical endurance remains a mystery, and
as she says I have well past my used by date according
to my Oncologist. Beyond question the long-term use of
QRS has improved her microcirculation, and is proving a sustaining
Severe Chronic Lead Poisoning
Has been a patient of Dr. Emmanuel
Varapatis for a number of years. Has been using QRS for approx.
18 months, but noticed very quickly that his energy levels increased,
and his pain had decreased dramatically. He had purchased QRS
in sheer desperation, as the lead poisoning had become
and overwhelming problem to his body. He was willing
to try anything, and now feels quite strongly, that QRS is actually
keeping him alive. During May 2000, he was diagnosed with a cyst,
which had formed between C5 and C6 pressing on the spinal cord.Within
2 weeks, he was admitted to the Hospital for a rather serious
operation. Professor Besser removed the degenerative
cyst, which he stated was very large and green in color.The operation
took over 4 hours, and muscle and bone was severed in the process.
He required 41 mgs of Morphine during the 1-½ hours of
recovery period. Some 12 hours later he had 2 panedine forte
tablets. Since then he has had no pain relief medication, as
he was using QRS. Much interest ensued in this patient at the
Hospital due to his extreme well-being after such a serious operation,
and the fact that he required no pain relief (except in Intensive
Care) Remarks from Drs and Nurses were also that the rate
of healing was excellent. As a consequence, he was discharged
from hospital in half the normal stay required. After 10 days,
he visited his local Doctor who could not believe that he did
not require pain relievers, and how well he had healed from such
a serious operation. The doctor asked why and when he was told
about Magnetic Therapy, he shook his head and said all
I can say is stay on it. As a consequence, literature regarding
QRS was distributed at the hospital and the doctors are now reading
the information more seriously.
Full Knee Replacement Surgery
Thank you for the opportunity to
use the Quantron Resonance System (QRS) in my postoperative recovery
from full knee replacement surgery. Using the QRS has speeded
up the healing process so rapidly that now, 2 weeks and 4 days
after this total knee replacement, I am able to walk freely and
with no pain for the first time in at least 4 years. I was told
I would be on crutches for at least 5-6 weeks, however, I have
not used the crutches for over a week now. I am still using a
support trolley, but only because I think Id get in trouble
if Dr C knew I was not following my rehabilitation instructions.
The 32 staple wound is now completely healed over and Dr Cs
aftercare nurse said she has never seen anything like it
such rapid healing not seen in all her years working for Dr.
C. I was in the hospital for 6 days and then returned home. I
commenced using the mat (QRS) twice daily for 8 minutes on the
morning. By Sunday, just four days after beginning with using
the mat, the wound was completely healed over once again.
I repeat the after care nurse was simply astounded. This speedy
and pain free recovery is a great relief to me, and I have now
taken no painkillers since leaving hospital. I am 68 years of
age, was very apprehensive about this operation, its after effects,
and had expected quite a long and painful recovery period. You
can imagine my absolute delight at the way I feel and can move
about so freely without pain. I have in the past been a very
keen Lawn Bowler and I also belonged to a walking club, Prime
Movers Keep Fit and enjoyed Boot Scooting. In the last few years
I have had to cease all these activities due to pain and was
becoming very depressed and concerned about the quality of life
in front of me but no more, I have my life back and look
forward to soon be out in the world again!!!
Pain Relief
In 1995 at age 39 I woke with a burning
upper right arm and an incessant headache that pushed my eyes
open from its intensity. After consulting a neurologist, rheumatologist,
chiropractor, osteopaths, physiotherapist, masseur and taking
handfuls of pain relievers and all supplements suggested by therapists
I was free of the constant headache but not much else. In fact,
I has horrified at how my arms and hands were mere painful appendages.
It got to the state in Feb. 2000 that I did not have the strength
to squeeze a clothes peg. All the doctors and specialists could
not explain my symptoms, let alone any remedy or even cause.Prior
to this breakdown I was a strong healthy person with a huge amount
of stamina. As I kept searching for a solution, I found a reference
to QRS. I found a naturopath who had it and went to see her the
next day. After a session on QRS I slept for the first time in
5 years. Needless to say I purchased a QRS. The status after
3 months is that my right shoulder still gets a kind of nerve
pain from the cold or a day of typing. However it is becoming
more localized. I firmly believe that the QRS has helped release
whatever toxins were blocking the natural nutrients to my muscles/tendons
and this is all my body needs to regain its optimum health. I
take no more tablets/supplements but do drink more water and
treat myself to two treatments a day on QRS. I am forever in
your debt for saving my sanity and giving me a painless future.
Pain, bone density, sleep
Since using the QRS mat I am in a
lot less pain. My bone density has improved after using the mat
for three months plus being on HRT. It is great to have a good
nights sleep. I no longer need to take anti-inflammatory medication.
Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm
After an abdominal aorta aneurysm
operation in 1997, I could not walk more than 300 meters due
to a kink in the artery to my right leg. After 10 days using
the QRS mat I could walk again. Now I exercise 1½ hours
a day in the gym and swim ½ hour. I feel on top of the
world. Every house should have a QRS mat.
Scar Tissue
I suffered from Duodenal Ulcers,
which were cured with antibiotics, but was left with scar tissue.
The scar tissue became very painful. It was in the duodenum and
colon, which caused vomiting from time to time. After having
an examination, the surgeon suggested a stomach bypass. The following
day the QRS arrived and within three days I was free from pain.
I have had the mat for 1 year and have had no more pain. My appetite
has improved and I feel 10 years younger.
Crushed Spinal Disc
I am 72 years of age. I have a very
bad lower back, a crushed disc between L4 and L5. One specialist
gave me 2 lots of injections, another specialist gave me electric
shocks on the spine. I had ten treatments from an acupuncturist
all to no avail. I looked forward to a life of pain.However,
after five months on the QRS I am now back on the tennis court
with very little pain.
Chronic Fatigue
Since beginning QRS I have had immediate
and sustained increase in energy. I now have 2-3 more hours per
day of functional energy. I take fewer supplements and can exercise
for 45 minutes without exhaustion on my treadmill, where 20 minutes
used to result in fatigue. I have fewer occasions when I feel
wiped and using setting 1 will settle headaches and/or
toxic reactions. I have lost 10 kg in weight that climbed during
my illness and my metabolism appears to be more normal. I have
tested normal in blood iron tests, which have not been normal
for 10 years in spite of iron injections, B12 injections and
Diabets, Alzheimers, Parkinsons
I just wanted to say thank
you to Body Fields USA and Dr. Pawluk for making the QRS
available. My partner has Diabetes, Alzheimer affect, Parkinsons
and Hypertension. I took the information on the QRS to our physician
to peruse before I ordered it. Since we were doing everything
medically possible he said he saw no reason not to purchase it.
I am proud to report that after 28 days on the QRS Johns
blood sugar levels had dropped drastically and we are taking
½ the Lente insulin he was previously taking and has only
taken coverage 5 doses during that time. Before the QRS we had
been covering him with regular insulin 2-3 times a day! His blood
pressure also dropped to a normal range and are consistent. We
are cutting one of the blood pressure medicines to daily instead
of twice daily. Our doctor was amazed at the results and will
continue to adjust insulin and medicines as needed. Thank you
Dog Attack
My daughter, who was attacked by
a dog 9 weeks ago, has used the QRS aggressively. Her doctor
says that she is healing at a rate that may make her ready for
final plastic surgery in six months after the injury instead
of one year. I am very grateful to have had the QRS here for
her to use.
I received the QRS about 5 days after
I was diagnosed as having the shingles. I had pain that was rather
intense and was unable to get a good nights rest. I received
relief within 2 days after using the QRS pad and pillow as prescribed
by the protocol. With counsel by Dr. Pawluk, I raised the settings
and used the pillow over the infected area with increased settings
up to 10 for 16 to 24 minutes whenever I felt discomfort. The
periods of relief grew longer with usage. Within several weeks
almost all discomfort was gone. I continue to use the pad daily
in the morning and evening and sometimes the pillow in the afternoon.
My energy level is higher also.
Chronic Fatigue
Twenty years of Chronic Fatigue caused
me to have no life, no animation, no sleep, and limited amounts
of energy, which left me to raise my daughter while lying on
a couch. After owning the QRS for 3 months, my energy and stamina
had increased with noticeable improvements of my immune system.
With continued daily use of the QRS, my health gradually improved,
and after 7 months I am now able to work full time and travel
like a normal person. Most important, I am feeling healthier
and look younger too!
I am an option trader at the Chicago
Board of Options Exchange and use the QRS on a daily basis to
reduce my stress and improve my energy. Already after 2-3 months
I feel more ready to go in the morning and less burned out at
the end of the week. My friends even tell me I look better.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
I received my QRS in April and started
on setting 3 and increased the setting by one each week. The
swelling in my hands has gone down by half. Swelling in my feet
must have gone down because they feel quite a bit better. When
walking I am able to stretch out and walk faster and better.
I am feeling more energetic and not so stressed.
I would like to thank you for treatment
on the QRS Mattress. Since using it I have felt so much better.
My upper back which had four fractures caused by osteo, is very
much relieved, and just last weekend I could hardly walk with
the pain in my hip, but after treatment I walked back home with
no pain whatsoever. My general well-being has really improved.
I feel like a new brighter person which helps me care for my
husband in a more relaxed manner and also I am sleeping better.
My liver problem seems very much better also.
After using the mat for about seven
days my insomnia disappeared, as did my constant feeling of fatigue.
I continued to use the mat and the problem of pain in my leg
and right hip disappeared after four weeks. The QRS also accelerated
the healing of my wound after a gynecological operation. Nowadays
my varicose veins have become less obvious.
I tried out the QRS for a week mainly
to recharge energy level. Used the QRS 2 x a day after a long
day at work. I found it very effective, especially it made me
want to go to sleep. Almost couldnt get up from the mattress
because it was too peaceful. It gave me a lot of energy for the
next workday.