



Livres. articles et vidéos

Detoxify or Die - Dr Sherry Rogers
Chapître sur les champs magnétiques pulsés et le QRS
Maintenant disponible en français

Magnetic Therapy - A Review of 30 Years of Research in Eastern Europe
William Pawluk, MD, MSc

Publié en 1998 ©Copyright 1998
ISBN 0-9664227-0-8
$60 incluant frais de livraison

Pour commander: (418) 907-7260

The Body Electric -
Electromagnetism and the foundation of life

Dr Robert O. Becker

Cross Currents - The Perils of Electropollution, the Promise of Electromedicine
Dr Robert O. Becker

Articles en anglais au sujet du QRS

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is becoming more and more popular in the USA. Several articles have been written on this remarkable technology. A few articles have featured the QRS while others talk about the benefits of PEMFs in general. Below is a list of a few of these articles. Please be patient while the articles are loading as some of them are quite large and may take a few minutes to load.

Conscious Choice Magazine, June 2008. Energy Rush – Science meets spirituality as the subtle energies emanating from the human body are harnessed by Western medicine. Click here to read this article. (2.58MB).
TIME Magazine, March 21, 2005. Resetting the Brain – Can a pulsating magnet really change a personality? Doctors-and patients-are cheered by early tests. Click here to read this article. (1.62MB)
Chicago Sun-Times, January 21, 2005. New Approach to Depression – Local hospitals join study of magnetic pulses sent to brain. Click here to read this article. (575 KB)
Radiology Today June 27, 2005. Like Flipping a Switch – Researching Magnetic Fields to Treat Depression. Click here to read this article. (2.29MB)
Alternative Medicine Magazine, March 2005. Cool Relief for Headaches – A surprising fibromyalgia remedy, and magnetic relief for arthritis. Click here to read this article. (1.38MB)
National Foundation for Alternative Medicine Year’s end Update – Six Innovative Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease, 2004. Click here to read this article. (2.11 MB)
Alternative Medicine Magazine. Trends in Alternative Medicine, January 2005. Click here to read this article. (2.18MB) article. (.92MB)
AHNA Beginnings – A Publication of the American Holistic Nurses Association, Fall 2006. One Nurse’s Vision for Research in CAM Energy Modalities. Click here to read this article. (1.07MB)
The Eagle Tribune, February 2007. Drew the Body Good: New Red Sox outfielder J.D. Drew goes to extraordinary lengths to keep his body – and mind – healthy. Click here to read this article. (.92MB)
The use of EMFs to Modify Inflammation, March 2005. Source: www.drpawluk.com. Click here to read this article. (70.9 KB)
Magnetic Fields as a Form of Energy Medicine. Source: www.drpawluk.com. Click here to read this article. (61.7 KB)
Pain Management with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Treatment, March 2003. Source: www.drpawluk.com. Click here to read this article. (106KB)
Spinal Stenosis, July 2003. Source: www.drpawluk.com. Click here to read this article. (69.8KB)
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) on Stress, January 2003. Source: www.drpawluk.com. Click here to read this article. (69.9KB)
Stress Reduction, Health Maintenance and Anti-aging Can be Made Simple with Daily Use of Magnetic Fields. Source: www.drpawluk.com. Click here to read this article. (61.5KB)
Electromagnetic Fields and the Heart: Basic Science and Clinical Use, December 2003. Source: www.drpawluk.com. Click here to read this article. (65 KB)

Articles variés sur les CEMP, la santé et les nouvelles

16 juin 2001
Étude scientifique sur l'ostéoarthrite du genou

Dr Fisher (Graz), réalisée dans un hopital de Slovénie.

24-27 juin 2002
Sommaire de deux présentations du Dr William Pawluk lors de la Conférence de la BEMS à Québec.

Deux articles par le Dr Pawluk:

Présentations vidéos de Mark Squibb:

  • Importance de la charge électrique de la membrane cellulaire pour conserver une santé optimale
  • Historique et effets des CEMP

Livre de Jean-Pierre Lentin
Ces ondes qui tuent, ces ondes qui soignent

Commander sur amazon.ca ou à la Librairie Biosfaire

Article sommaire au sujet du livre:
La médecine du 21ème siècle sera électromagnétique

Conférence de Jean-Pierre Lentin à voir! (Durée 1h28m)
Ces ondes qui tuent, ces ondes qui soignent
présentée lors du Festival Sciences Frontières
22 au 26 Janvier 2002

Dossier spécial ''Protégez-Vous'' février 2009!
Champs électromagnétiques - Lignes à haute tension, téléphones cellulaires, micro-ondes, antennes relais, etc.

26 janvier 2009

Bas niveau d'Oxygène = Cancer ou Autisme?
Article de Kent Heckenlively qui soulève l'importance de l'oxygène dans les dysfontionnement de la mitochondrie et l'incidence des cas de cancer et d'autisme.

26 janvier 2009

Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Letter to President Obama Includes Autism

''Il y a de nouvelles évidences que la dysfunction de la mitochondrie joue un rôle dans l'autisme de quelques enfants.''


Evidence of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism and Implications for Treatment

American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 4 (2): 208-217, 2008
ISSN 1553-3468
© 2008 Science Publications

7 avril 2009
Living Near Power Lines Linked to Alzheimer's Disease: New Research

22 avril 2008
Scientists Agree That EMFs Pose a Threat to Your Health

4 février 2007
Drew the body good: New Red Sox outfielder J.D. Drew goes to extraordinary lengths to keep his body - and mind - health

Août 2007
Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations
and Mechanisms
- Tamara J Mariea and George L Carlo

17 avirl 2007
Children potentially at higher risk for autism and other behavior and attention deficit disorders with rise in cell phone and wireless use

17 avirl 2007
Recherche sur la corrélation entre Autisme et téléphones mobiles, ordinateurs sans fil (WiFi)

12 décembre 2007
Human Cells Found to have Electric Fields as Powerful as Lighting Bolts

Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy, and the Wireless Revolution and Electromagnetic Radiation: A Scientific Overview - Part 1

Les livres sont disponibles chez


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