




A. L. (Age 30, Chicago, IL)
"I am an option trader at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange and use the QRS on a daily basis to reduce my stress and improve my energy. Already after 2-3 months I feel more ready to go in the morning and less burned out at the end of the week. My friends even tell me I look better."

J. B. (Age 65, Elgin, IL)
"I had pain in my left hip for about 9 years. It started when I took lessons to learn to drive a motorcycle. I was very tense as I remember, and it was very strenuous for me to hold the bike up, address the bike, and then swing my right leg up and over to mount up. The pain became severe and always present.

After zapping with the QRS for a week, the pain was almost gone. I did not tell anyone (even my husband) because I did not believe it myself. During the next month I had various pains in knees, toes, thigh, etc. Some pain lasted only 2 hours one some days. These were new sensations for me. By November 4, 2001, on the same day we rode the motorcycle and raked leaves - no pain!

I waited until now to fill this out because I wanted to be sure my pain was gone for good and it is gone! I kept a daily diary starting September 5, 2001, and as I look back, I am amazed at the number of various and different sensations I experienced."

E.A.G. (Longmont, CO)
"We have used the QRS in our clinic for just over a year now and are very excited about the results. One client, with diabetes, has suffered over the years with candida and other fungal problems. This caused not only skin erruptions but also digestive problems. After just a few treatments, her digestive problems were so improved that she lost 7 pounds virtually overnight that was due to bloating and water retention. Another client suffering from Hepititis C has seen his viral load, monitored with regular bloodwork, go down markedly. Since he is also battling testicular cancer, this has played a significant role in his return to health. We are very grateful for this wonderful tool."

E. M. (Age 67, Asliston, CA)
"I received the QRS about 5 days after I was diagnosed as having the shingles. I had pain that was rather intense and was unable to get a good nights rest. I received relief within 2 days after using the QRS pad and pillow as prescribed by the protocol. With counsel by Dr. Pawluk, I raised the settings and used the pillow over the infected area with increased settings up to 10 for 16 to 24 minutes whenever I felt discomfort. The periods of relief grew longer with usage. Within several weeks almost all discomfort was gone. I continue to use the pad daily in the morning and evening and sometimes the pillow in the afternoon. My energy level is higher also."

C. F. (Grande Ledge, MI)
"C. F. just finished her last round of radiation on one primary cancer site. She will start more chemotherapy on the other primary soon. Are considering smuggling the mat into the hospital, when she is admitted for the chemotherapy. Says she can feel the QRS in her arm at the tumor site only, but nowhere else in her body. She has no pain, her depression is much better, and her energy level is better. She likes the mat, they all do, and she says that her pets come right to it and lie on it when it is on, as though they know it's a good thing, and good for them."

S. B. (Macomb, IL)
"Approximately 5 years ago I was leaving the 7th green on our golf course when I felt a severe pain in my inner right thigh. A few days later I noticed a reddish purple spot in that area. The spot had small raised bumps around it. At first we thought it might be ringworm. These markings continued to appear over the next 3 years. I tried some topical applications to no avail. I also tried various essential oils and took nutritional supplements geared for skin problems. The spots kept coming. Eventually they covered the inside and back of my thighs. When they started going down to the back of my knees and top of my calves I was really getting depressed. I decided to go to a dermatologist.

Right away after looking at my legs he said, You have granduloma andular. He said usually young people in their teens and early twenties have it. The only thing he could suggest was a strong medication with lots of side effects and topical cortisone. I decided to use the cortisone prescription. I had never taken a prescription medication before so did not want to take it. He said people have it for years and some never get over granduloma andular. After going through 2 tubes with no results I decided I was doomed. January of 2001 we started using the QRS. I originally wanted it for better sleeping and my sciatica problems. Within a couple months I noticed great improvement with the sciatica. I use the number 1 setting for sleep. If I am not relaxed enough I repeat the setting another couple of times. It must have been in April we noticed my spots were nearly all gone. By May 2001, they were completely gone. I had done nothing different during that time except for the QRS. I don't know what else would have cleared my skin of the horrible spots."

M. B. (MD, Family Practice)
"I have the new QRS-101 at home for a while to try it out. In the mornings I often feel a bit tired, with cold hands (we have horrible weather, with storms . . .). So I thought of the Vital Program, for weather changes, and I took 8 minutes on setting 3. It is quite incredible, but within 3 minutes I felt blood circulation in my fingers. Then, I had no fatigue for the next 3-4 hours!
To explain why, I as a doctor sometimes feel sometimes tired: my time spent in the car to and from work is 1 hour, 30 minutes. Then 7 to 8 hours working in the steel and concrete building, situated very near to power lines, surrounded by motorways, air, climate. At home, work goes on with 2 children, 14 and 16 years old, waiting for support and meals . . . and of course a good-humored mom!"

D. A. (Chicago, IL)
"The patient has been a diabetic/ stroke/ amputee victim for 6 and a half years, scheduled for a second amputation to have his toes removed. Six months before the second amputation he suffered from pain, diarrhea, chronic urinary tract infections and the degradation of vital functions began to set in. He ended up with his second leg being amputated from the knee down, leaving him as a double amputee.

He began using the QRS with great dedication in a nursing home, 1 week after the second amputation. His overall health and immune system, as well as his diabetes, stabilized. Within a month he returned home pain free. He was able to be mobile with a wheelchair and walking stick, get off medication, and not be a burden at home. He remains pain and infection free with ongoing use of the QRS. His daughter says ‘it has enabled positive readjustment in our lives and we are grateful."

C. W. (MD; Age 49; Elgin, IL)
"I tried out the QRS for a week mainly to recharge energy level. Used the QRS 2 x a day after a long day at work. I found it very effective, especially it made me want to go to sleep. Almost couldn't get up from the mattress because it was too peaceful. It gave me a lot of energy for the next workday."

C. S. (Age 58, Irvine, CA)
"I am a participant in national senior level tennis tournaments for the last 12 years. As an intense competitor, and while entering menopause, my body was starting to respond with a lot of aches and pains. A stiff lower back, sore arm/shoulder, sore muscles were all becoming daily delights. After using the QRS for the scheduled time period, I have felt more alert with less pain than I have for 10 years. It is amazing how such an easy thing can do so much overall. Using the pillow helps a lot to focus on problem areas, especially lower back. Just standing up in the morning was an adventure. Now, no problem at all."

R. H. (father)
"My daughter, who was attacked by a dog 9 weeks ago, has used the QRS aggressively. Her doctor says that she is healing at a rate that may make her ready for final plastic surgery in six months after the injury instead of one year. I am very grateful to have had the QRS here for her to use."

D. L. (Keokuk, IA)
"My husband has some hearing loss. When he started using the mat, I would tell him when it beeped, or he would watch the time. But the last few times he has used it, he has heard the beep himself. He truly thinks the use of the mat is improving this hearing! Wouldn't that be wonderful? Is there any feedback on that from anyone else? He also thinks it is helping his breathing some. While the weather plays a large part (it seems the air is so heavy at times) even on his better days it exhausted for him to do anything requiring him to move around much, or to lift anything. He has from the beginning of these problems refused to just sit back and quit doing anything at all, and one thing he does every day, weather permitting, is go for a walk down by the river every morning and sometimes later in the day too. He also keeps our 3/4 of a city block mowed as well as the large lot at the Kingdom Hall. As long as he can sit down on the job (Ha! Ha!), he does real well. He gets so frustrated when he can't do little things that need doing around the house or even carry in groceries, but Wednesday he was able to do several little things he had been wanting, and it didn't wear him to a frazzle like it usually does. So he really thinks he is a little better there, too."

A. F. (MS, Dipl. Ac; Felton, CA)
"I have used the QRS in my acupuncture clinic now for almost 2 years. Because of the deep relaxation and shift in energy it produces, I use the QRS before my treatments. As a result, patients can receive deeper and quicker healing. Most noticeable, I can see the positive results in pain conditions. As far as I am concerned, the QRS helps my energy immensely to work in my practice and my life in general."

M. M. (Age 40, Las Vegas, NV)
"I have had JRA (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis) for over 25 years. By using the QRS daily for six months, Ive noticed much less pain and more energy, especially in my feet. Walking is much easier now since I have been using the QRS."

R. B . (MD; Lancaster, OH)
"I am seeing immediate results in treating migraines, muscle contraction headaches, hip pain, and low back pain I do muscle tests to see which settings patients need. Also, mental clarity is improved."

S. J. (Hollywood, FL)
"Since I started using the mattress my general health has improved. I don't get sick any more and I am more energetic. After I exercise I feel pain in all my muscles and joints. Once I go on the mattress I become pain free. Another thing is that if I am going to bed very late and I can't sleep, I use the mattress on setting 2. It calms me down and helps me sleep. I'm recommending this mattress to all of my friends but they think it is too expensive. If the price would be around $1000.00, your sales will increase."

D. G. (Age 50; Matteson, IL)
"Twenty years of Chronic Fatigue caused me to have no life, no animation, no sleep, and limited amounts of energy, which left me to raise my daughter while lying on a couch. After owning the QRS for 3 months, my energy and stamina had increased with noticeable improvements of my immune system. With continued daily use of the QRS, my health gradually improved, and after 7 months I am now able to work full time and travel like a normal person. Most important, I am feeling healthier and look younger too!"

K. S. (MS, PhD, LAc; Seattle, WA)
"As an acupuncturist I see most of my clients primarily for pain of the knee and shoulder, 2 x a week for 3 to 4 weeks. With acupuncture I have gotten great results, but not like what I am getting with the QRS. When I have my patients take a 16-minute treatment with the QRS as an adjunct supporting my acupuncture work, I see quicker pain relief and secondary results in increased sleep quality. By the second week of treatment there are dramatic sleep improvements for every one of my clients! In Chinese Medicine, pulsed electromagnetic fields have been used for years. I am glad to finally see research starting in this field in the United States. I am glad to achieve these excellent results combining the QRS with the modalities I practice."

S.P. (Age 73; Crystal River, FL)
"I just wanted to say thank you to Quantron Resonance Systems and Dr. Pawluk for making the QRS available. My partner has Diabetes, Alzheimer affect, Parkinsons and Hypertension. I took the information on the QRS to our physician to peruse before I ordered it. Since we were doing everything medically possible he said he saw no reason not to purchase it. I am proud to report that after 28 days on the QRS John's blood sugar levels had dropped drastically and we are taking the Lente insulin he was previously taking and has only taken coverage 5 doses during that time. Before the QRS we had been covering him with regular insulin 2-3 times a day! His blood pressure also dropped to a normal range and are consistent. We are cutting one of the blood pressure medicines to daily instead of twice daily. Our doctor was amazed at the results and will continue to adjust insulin and medicines as needed. Thank you QRS!"


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