Champs ÉlectroMagnétiques
Quels sont les avantages du QRS en comparaison
aux appareils avec aimants statiques ?
Static devices include magnet-imbedded
items such as bracelets, chair cushions, shoe pads, backrests,
and various velcro strap-on applications. These items have only,
one strength, are often heavy or cumbersome, and must be worn
(or kept in contact with the body) all day long. Static magnets
produce a constant magnetic field which the body can become accustomed
to. The high field strength can aggravate the body over time.
In contrast, the QRS treatments are effective in only 8 minutes
twice a day, and addresses the body as a whole by simply lying
down on a mattress. QRS has varying and adjustable frequencies
so the body cannot become accustomed to the magnetic fields.
The pulsed electromagnetic fields of the QRS are low strengths
imitating those produced naturally in the human body and in the
earth's environment. Pulsed electromagnetic fields produce resonance
and thus influence cell membranes of the body and so enhance
the blood flow. QRS is gentle and has been found to be very safe
for babies, the elderly and pets too!
Why are pulsating electromagnetic fields
best for personal health maintenance?
A low pulsating electromagnetic field produces
one main effect: stimulating cells. This effect causes a chain
of processes that leads to improvement of health without side
effects. A cell produces its own energy, called ATP (Adenosine
Triphosphate). This energy is necessary for movement of the body,
building up and breaking down molecules, and transporting substances
across cell membranes. To produce energy, a cell needs oxygen
and about 90 other substances, including enzymes, glucose, and
nutrients. In addition to energy, cells also produce carbon dioxide,
water, and waste products. To be able to execute and control
all these processes properly, good cell metabolism is required.
Therefore, the cell needs a membrane potential of about 70 -
90 mV (millivolt). Whenever this electrical cell membrane potential
drops, active cell metabolism is impaired. Low performance levels
and chronic disease are the results. Ultimately, every illness
is the consequence of impaired cell metabolism.
What effect does a PEMF have on disease
The QRS, with its pulsating electromagnetic
field, has a positive influence on cell dysfunction. By displacing
ions, pulsating electromagnetic fields can lead to normalization
of the membrane potential.
Some of the results of using pulsed
electromagnetic fields are:
1. Blood circulation is affected and normalized.
Particles in the bloodstream will oscillate in rhythm to the
QRS' frequencies. The result can be to reduce friction and flow
resistance in narrow capillaries. Thus, blood circulation increases,
and at the same time, the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide
increases. View the Retina Study to learn more about the effects
of QRS in blood vessels of the eye.
2. Oxygen partial pressure increases.
Studies of electromagnetic fields demonstrate an increase in
the oxygen content of the blood, sometimes up to 80%.
3. Cell membrane potential is normalized.
General exhaustion, caused by stress or chronic disease, will
reduce the cell's membrane potential (usually between 70 to 90
mV). If this potential decreases enough, the cell dies. A cell
uses 50% of its energy to maintain this potential. The QRS system,
with its patented system, has been found to affect ion transport,
increasing the selective movement of protons (H+ ions) and other
ions. In this way, the membrane potential will be normalized.
4. Calcium influx enters the cell.
Calcium is released from the protein layer of the cell membrane.
Unbound calcium flows into the cell core and triggers numerous
metabolic reactions. Macrophages (tissue cells functioning as
protection against infections) are activated and therefore the
immune system is strengthened. Cell metabolism is activated and
nitric oxide, a potent vessel dilator, is produced. In addition,
cytogenesis (structure, function, and multiplication of the cells)
is stimulated.
These four results constitute the basic
effect of pulsating electromagnetic fields. Oxygen, the elixir
of life, without which we could not exist, is increased in the
blood. Cells are stabilized through regenerated membrane potential
and activated through calcium effects. Activation and strengthening
of the cells and increased oxygen supports the body in its fight
against disease.