
The observation of patients receiving Airnergy+ for Hypercholesterolaemia

Dr. med. Erich Krämer Gilmerich


A study was made of 3 female patients aged from 52-58 with verified hypercholesterolaemia before the start of therapy. The effectiveness of inhaling Airnergy+ oxygen therapy on the cholesterol level is documented at the same time.

Observations in other countries had described a lowering of cholesterol.
The effectiveness can be explained by the optimization of the cell metabolism and the reduction of free radicals. This has already been experimentally proven and can be read elsewhere.


After determining the cholesterol value with HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein*) values for the patient with an empty stomach, the subjects inhaled Airnergy+ oxygen therapy for a period of 30 minutes, twice a week while lying down.

The therapy was repeated for a total of ten times over a period of 5 weeks. The cholesterol level with HDL and LDL was then measured again.

* LDL’s receptors remove cholesterol from the blood stream


The total cholesterol was lowered in this patient by 22.5%, the LDL cholesterol was lowered by 28%, and HDL rose by 59%.


The total cholesterol could be lowered here by 20% and LDL-cholesterol by 15%. HDL rose by 35%.

A reduction of total cholesterol of 20%, with a reduction of 29% LDL cholesterol could be reached for this patient. The HDL fraction rose by 42%.

The total cholesterol for these three female patients could be lowered by 20.8%. The LDL cholesterol, held responsible for causing vascular damage, was lowered by a total of 24% and HDL could be increased by almost 40%.


The example of these three female patients enables the effect Airnergy+ therapy has on the cholesterol content of the blood. Cholesterol and LDL cholesterol both fell by more than 20%. The rise in the HDL cholesterol by 40% is especially interesting. The calculation of the cholesterol ratio (total cholesterol / LDL cholesterol) and the HDH/LDL ratio shows a significant improvement in the values with a consequent reduction in the risks of endothelial/vascular damage in the body.

The following table shows the risk analysis of arteriosclerosis for especially important HDL/LDL ratios before and after the therapy.


The Airnergy+ Therapy appears to be an extremely effective form of therapy for activating the lipase metabolic system. Reductions in cholesterol and the LDL cholesterol responsible for arteriosclerosis of over 20 % could be reached in this first little study of patients.

The HDL cholesterol plays a higher ranking role however as far as prognosis and the reduction of risk is concerned, since it has a protective effect for the blood vessels.

This simply means: the higher the HDL, the more protection there is for blood vessels.

Until now, HDL could only be significantly increased by increased sports activity. This certainly happened because of the improved utilization of oxygen and an improved metabolic system.

The use of Airnergy+ oxygen therapy demonstrates this in a very effective way, which experimentally shows that cellular metabolism is activated. A reduction in the HDL/LDL ratios is especially remarkable, which accompanies the up with normal risk of a cardiovascular event (heart attack), with 4 and with an increased risk form 6 and more. These values could be lowered on average by 50 % for the subjects. All four lay under this and were therefore in the normal range.

A new standard would be established in the therapy for hypercholesterolaemia, should these results be reconfirmed by a larger number of patients.

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